Benefits of Professionally Designed Garage Storage
Professionally designed garage storage allows you to make the most of your space, keep things organized, and ensure everything is kept safe and secure.
A common homeowner mistake is packing the garage full of different racks, shelving, and cabinets without considering how safe they are in relation to the weight and types of items stored. This can lead to serious accidents with collapsing shelves, possible fire hazards, exposure to toxic fumes, or inviting unwanted pests.
Another issue is proper installation. DIY installation might not use appropriate anchors to support the weight of the shelves. For example, a garage storage cabinet might be made to free stand, yet it is safer when affixed to the wall. A final concern is the improper use of storage items such as racks and hooks, or trying to retrofit different storage solutions to accommodate specific needs.
When your garage storage system is professionally installed, you know everything has been installed correctly, with instructions and warnings about appropriate use, weight restrictions, etc. As a result, your garage is safe, and all your storage is secure.
At Space Age Shelving & Design, we pay close attention to the construction of your garage to ensure we use appropriate installation methods based on the space, walls, floors, and rafters. We also offer customized solutions that include the colour, materials, hardware, accessories, and installation methods so the finished project elevates the appearance of your garage space.